The City of Atlantis has been one of the world’s oldest myths, dating back to the time of the ancient Greeks. Atlantis was described as a sprawling metropolis, with the Atlantean people being enjoying an advanced and sophisticated existence.

At some point, according to the historical records, a natural disaster caused the city to be swallowed by the ocean, and the Atlantean culture was lost forever.

It’s long been the belief that the stories of Atlantis were just that: stories. But more and more evidence has surfaced in recent years that point to the fact that it may have actually existed, and that there was some kind of ancient flood that destroyed the city.

Most of what we know today can be traced back to Greek philosopher Plato, and while some of the details he recorded are vague at best, archaeologists are making more breakthroughs with each passing year.

Here are some facts we do know about the lost civilisation that is theorised to be Atlantis, for those who want to try and discover the city themselves. It’s as exciting as playing at a casino no deposit!

1. We Know Where It Is

For years, historians have speculated on the possible locations of where the city once stood, and for the most part, there haven’t been any tangible discoveries. But a more extensive analysis of Plato’s text on Atlantis reveal some great details to its location: the Straits of Gibraltar.

This is a body of water that separates Spain from Africa, and at once point, it was most likely an open piece of land that could have supported a city.

2. Much of The Story is missing

Plato’s texts are the closest we have to a full description of Atlantis, but his texts only describe so much, and after some musings on the gods, it suddenly comes to an abrupt end.

Historians aren’t sure whether Plato left is book unfinished on purpose, or if a finalised version has been lost through time. But it’s agreed that there is much more to the story that we’ve yet to find out.

3. It Might Be The Oldest Civilisation

Most historians agree that modern civilisation started around 12000 years ago. The beginning of civilisation is marked as the time when humans first invented agriculture – and many believe that Atlantis would have existed around 11500 years ago.

This means that not only was it one of the first cities in the world, but the level of advancement that Plato describes shows that the Atlantean were ahead of every other culture by thousands of years.

4. It’s Not The First Nor The Last

Throughout history, human cultures and civilisations have risen and fallen, and this natural cycle attests to the possibility of Atlantis.

It wouldn’t be the first empire that was wiped out by natural disaster, but it may have been the very first in recorded, modern history.